Introducing Ourselves

See our Maps of our Canal.
See some of our recent Newsletters
See our list of members who have performed exemplary service
for the Society at Pinder Plaque Awards
See our list of people who sponsored new Milestones in 2000
We welcome all those who are interested in the canal as members. Our membership fees are very modest. Click here to find out how to Join Us.
From this time the Society has maintained a close watch over all of the canal from Kings Norton to Stratford and has helped, practically and financially, with many different projects, from basic hedge trimming to weir building and other constructional works.
The Society publishes a quarterly Newsletter and usually meets on the third Thursday of the month between September and April for a programme of monthly talks and occasional social events.
We are very conscious that the canal is used by liveaboards, residential boats, continual cruisers, leisure boaters, anglers, walkers, runners, cyclists and others. We recognise the problems which can be encountered in reconciling the needs of these very varied groups.
The Aims of this Society are to Conserve the Stratford upon Avon Canal and Promote its Fullest Use by ...
. . . Promoting the maximum use, maintenance and improvement of all Inland Waterways of Great Britain, and in particular the Stratford upon Avon Canal.
The Stratford upon Avon Canal Society was formed in 1956 with the main aim of securing the future of the southern section of the canal from Lapworth to Stratford by an intensive programme of restoration as a navigation.
With the help of other interested groups and a lot of hard work this was achieved in 1964 with the re-opening of the section to navigation, by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.