"Timeless Practicality in the sky ..."
Meetings and Events

MEETINGS are on the following dates in 2025 -
Meetings are on the third Thursday of each month.
February 20th
Bob Williams will give an illustrated talk about progress on the Lichfield & Hatherton restorations.
It's been some time since we had a restoration presentation, so this will be well worthwhile hearing.
March 20th
Illustrated talk about 'A Canal Honeymoon, 1962', by Roger Butler. Roger is a regular Speaker at various gatherings and this talk has an intriguing title.
April 17th
Our AGM, and our member and Newsletter Editor, David 'Dusty' Miller will give us a resume of a long life spent on and with the waterways. He is best known nowadays as an inland waterways painter, and will bring some examples of his work to show, and some pieces will be for sale.
As usual, the Committee would like new members to join, as quite a few members would like a rest - in particular the Chair, John Philps, (who should step down according to our Constitution, such as it is), and the Programme Organiser would like a break, and the WebMaster, Mick Jeffs, would like to hand over the keyboard. It's not terribly onerous, but it would be good for the Society to have a change.

REMINDER - Our recent NEWSLETTERS are available here
Our new home for meetings is Amie's Tearoom at Castle Nurseries, Birmingham Road, Mappleborough Green, Studley, B80 7DF.
We assemble for lunch, (if you want) from about 12 o'clock, with the meeting to start about 2.00 pm.
To cover speaker's expenses, we have a £1 per ticket raffle at the meetings, with the prize of a bottle of wine.